Collection of articles for farmers 100 years ago

Roa Zubia, Guillermo

Elhuyar Zientzia

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This book consists of two writers, Arnaut Abadia and Kepa Altonaga. Actually, the main text is a collection of columns written by Abbey over a hundred years ago. These were texts written for the farmers, explaining the topics that might interest them. Among other things, there is a lot of information about animals, such as animals that can be harmful or beneficial to the harvest. Altonaga has published 45 texts on animals and edited with the house Pamiela. This is demonstrated by the cover of the book, which is the illogical zoo of Arnaut Abbey, presented by Kepa Altonaga, biologist and disseminator.

However, Altonaga has done more than that. He gave a broad presentation on the life and work of the Abbey, explaining its context and circumstances. As Altonaga himself says, Abbey's biography is still "to be written", but many facts about it are known, both from the writing of his contemporaries and from the collection of his works.

Arnaut Abbey lived in Iparralde in the 19th century. late 20th century and early 20th century. He was the canon, director of the Larresoro Seminary, and he wrote for forty years in the weekly Euskalduna de Baiona in the Laborarier section.

Mention many themes in the columns. Among those selected by Altonaga are the bugs that cause damage to apples, poisonous snakes and no poison, livestock, seasonal birds, etc. Questions that can be considered as modern views are also raised. For example, Altonaga has included in his book, of great interest, the column "Do no unnecessary mines" on how to kill pigs.

The book is illustrated with the drawings by Asisko Urmeneta. Texts, drawings and publications of soft bark give the book a very attractive appearance. It is a complete book. A leap for the 20th century, a unique opportunity to understand how animals looked in the rural environment of Iparralde. In addition, it is an opportunity to meet Arnaut Abadia, one of the pioneers of the dissemination in Basque in Euskal Herria.

In the words of Kepa Altonaga, you can read the details of the creation of the book in the interview that will be published in the June issue.

Arnaut Abbey Illogical Zoo
Arnaut Abbey
Kepa Altonaga Edition
Pamiela 2011
216 x 151 mm
ISBN: 978-84-7681-702-5
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila