GM seed seed flakes

Carton Virto, Eider

Elhuyar Zientzia

Considering the cultivated area and the varieties obtained, the success of GMOs is undeniable. Each year they occupy more area, increasingly in more countries. And there are more and more varieties, more and more species, with increasingly special characteristics. However, they have a bad reputation and, especially in Europe, GMOs have sparked great rivalry.

In general, the European consumer does not want GMOs and, although the European Union allows their cultivation, governments drastically limit plantations. Examples of this are the moratorium imposed by Germany in April and the decree approved by the Basque Government. Therefore, one could speak of failure because GMOs and risk, or directly harm, have been matched in the minds of many people.

No wonder. On the one hand, large companies that promote the cultivation of GMOs have done little favor to biotechnology, among other things because they are darker in the field of communication than the dark ones. On the other hand, GMOs have placed themselves at the centre of the socio-economic and political nuance of the commercial and productive model. In fact, some consider GMOs as an essential tool of an unfair production model. And they denounce that their production is not often an option. Others, for their part, emphasize that the focus is on them, but that the problem is not properly transgenic, but the misery of our development model.

Unlike malicious technologies, it is often said that there are malicious uses, and although it is a topic, we should differentiate what are the risks associated with transgenesis which are the diseases of the productive model. That's going to work, the seeds of transgenic seeds are so complicated, but for transgenesis to be an opportunity for everyone, there is no other option.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila