GM feed animals

Carton Virto, Eider

Elhuyar Zientzia

They are not the first transgenic animals, but they are the first ones that have been created to eat. Several GM fish are waiting for marketing authorization and, if achieved, will open a new path on the route of GM foods. Everything suggests that this will happen in the United States, where GM salmon AquAdvantage opens the market for edible GM animals.

At the end of last summer, salmon producers obtained provisional approval from the food security organization in the US. But even though it seemed that everything was given, they have since asked for more evidence to prove that they are totally safe for the environment and health. Once this is done, they will have no other inconvenience in starting marketing. And it is really enough. Producers must demonstrate food safety and ensure that evidence is sufficient.

However, GM crops have taught us very well that this is not all true. It has already been mentioned above that for transgenesis to be a real opportunity in the food market it is necessary to solve the socio-economic and political nuance of the productive model. We must differentiate well the risks associated with transgenesis of diseases from the productive model. Differentiate them, not to treat them as extraordinary, but to relate and manage them well.

Therefore, we want to bring to this foreword what Carles Callol, Scientific Director of Biobide, San Sebastian, says in his interior pages: “We have to be firmly convinced that it will be safe for people and the environment and that it will not provoke a monopoly.” In fact, the other is as important as one and security regulating organizations cannot be blind to market behavior. The behavior shown by companies that sell GM crops has made this clear.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila