Recycling the car

The old cars that will be removed in 2002 will be recycled in 85% of their materials. In addition, each of them will not be able to generate more than 200 kilos of non-recoverable waste. Other years later 95% of the car will be recycled. This is the decision adopted by the Minister of Industry and Environment in France, motorists, acerists, plastics manufacturers, car recyclers and all those involved in this problem.

The decision is of great importance, as 1.8 million old cars are removed each year in France and decided 7-10 years in advance in both these cars and the material used. Therefore, keep in mind that the car that is now designed will be marketed at the end of the century and will be recycled by 2010.

Currently 75% of vehicle materials are easily recyclable. 70% ferrous scrap and 5% metal. The problem is that the remaining 25% is found in plastics (15%), glass (3.2%) and rubber.

In the latest Renault models, called Safrane, Clio and Twingo, bumpers are made from recycled plastics from other cars. However, from now on recycling should go faster and higher.

The Renault house, for example, so far used fifteen types of plastics, but is now reduced from 5 to 10. Technical service In 1991, Saint-Riom-de-Chandieu designed a pilot plant to treat retired cars. Half an hour you can recycle a car.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila