Updated and complete publication of the Elhuyar Dictionary

Aztiria Urtaran, Josu

Adimen Artifiziala Hizkuntzan Unitateko koordinatzailea Elhuyar Fundazioa

Ten years have passed since Elhuyar published the first edition of the Euskera-Castellano/Castellano-Vasco Dictionary. After this first major step, Elhuyar has made others in relation to bilingual dictionaries and Basque dictionaries, and once ten years have passed since the publication of the first dictionary we will publish the new edition of Elhuyar Hiztegi.
Updated and complete publication of the Elhuyar Dictionary
11/01/2006 | Elhuyar Hizkuntza Zerbitzuak
88.000 entries, 20,000 subentries, 150,000 acceptances and 100,000 examples.

During all these years important steps have been taken in the elaboration of Basque dictionaries, such as the Unified Dictionary of Euskaltzaindia.

The first or "translated" version of the Hiztegi Batua is from 2000, and the second edition of Elhuyar Hiztegi, adapted to the recognitions and preferences of Hiztegi Batua. Since then, Euskaltzaindia has been developing a Unified Dictionary without ceasing and progressively publishing its results on the Internet.

In this third edition we have tried to collect as accurately as possible these works. In addition, other sources of information have been used: published dictionaries, terminology or style books, debates on the linguistic model of Basque, corpus that have been put into consultation, etc.

Therefore, on the tenth anniversary we have published a more complete and current dictionary.

88.000 entries, 20,000 subentries, 150,000 acceptances and 100,000 examples distributed in two sections: Euskera-Castilian and Castilian-Basque.

We will also publish the electronic dictionary, a powerful working tool: Through the CD-ROM, the user can perform a quick search of the entries, as well as perform multiple searches on a single screen that cannot be performed in the book.

Elhuyar Hiztegi aims to be a useful tool for students and teachers, writers and translators, journalists, technicians and professionals, for anyone who needs accurate information about the bilingual vocabulary of Basque and Spanish. It aims to be a reference among bilingual dictionaries Euskera-Castilian/Castilian-Basque.

Aztiria Urtaran, Josu
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