Change of knowledge

These two words of the song written by Xabier Lete fully coincide with Elhuyar's goal, and have become symbols of the group. The disseminators, researchers and creators who met last month at the CAF-Elhuyar awards party are a good example of those who try to change knowing. We want to take the opportunity to pay tribute to them, and to all those researchers who try to spread their scientific knowledge. We have clear that it is good for everyone to take science to the square and develop scientific culture in society. On this path we will achieve a more critical and therefore more independent society.

We cannot publish all the papers presented to the CAF-Elhuyar Awards, but we can publish those awarded for the best disclosure article and the best dissemination article based on the doctoral thesis. Both are a sample of the quality of the works included in the CAF-Elhuyar awards.

We cannot forget the biologist and writer Kepa Altonaga, winner of the Merit Award. He is a teacher and reference of many scientific disseminators in Basque and, since 2013, a corresponding member of Euskaltzaindia. We have honoured for the books and articles written in his professional career and for all his contributions to the field of Basque.

In this issue of the magazine we interviewed another little communicator: Felix Zubia, Intensive Care Unit physician. Aware of the importance of being all informed about health and disease, he has assumed personal responsibility to act on the radio. In the hospital he works every day in the face of death and has as key communication with patients and their families. He has attended to many patients who were about to die, with the sensitivity and inner tranquility that required that moment. No escape. Xabier Lete was in charge of taking care of her when she was sick and about to die, and in those special moments there is friendship between the two. Together they looked at death: “the others are born from the same trunk in which we were born, the young ramps of trees that will remain in that struggle…”

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila