Green economies

Carton Virto, Eider

Elhuyar Zientzia

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June. In a context of crisis, the United Nations has focused the day on the economy and has proposed as this year's theme the "green economy". This same theme will be discussed at the General Assembly to be held this month. The United Nations (UN) wants to be a milestone like the one held in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro.

The UN considers the June congress as an opportunity to define the lines for the world we want to be within twenty years and will present its proposal to reach that future world: the green economy. According to the UN definition, the green economy is an economy that improves the welfare and social equality of people while reducing environmental risks and ecological deficiencies.

The UN foresees how much money and in which areas to invest to create a future governed by these values: a 2% annual gross domestic product worldwide until 2050. And in the UN scheme, technology and its development will be decisive instruments.

His reflection on the road from Rio to Rio leaves little room for optimism. According to the UN, the crisis we are experiencing has brought with it a bad management of capital: it has been put in goods, fossil fuels and financial assets, and not in renewable energy, energy efficiency or sustainable agriculture.

So, will the economic crisis be enough to think that in the next twenty years it will act differently? Critics of the green economy believe not. According to them, the green economy is not a variant of the failed sustainable economy, and the UN proposal, a recipe to alleviate symptoms. They bet on changing the paradigm of the economy itself, for another that takes into account the entire ecosystem, regardless of the development of technologies, because the current failure of the definition itself.

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