X-rays show the existence of a pulsar

An X-ray jet coming from the center of our galaxy reveals the existence of a pulsar. The pulsars are neutron stars that turn very fast and have their origin in the dense matter that remains after the explosion of the supernova. The pulsars, due to the force of gravity they exert, absorb the gas from the star that flanks them, thus accelerating their turning speed.

In this case, the system that was audited on 3 April shows the existing bracelet in the last stadiums. NASA astronomers, after analyzing the phenomenon that has lasted ten days, have said it is a pulse that rotates 435 times per second. In addition, taking into account the small size and proximity of the adjacent star, they have concluded that the system is at the end of its evolution. The discovery, the second of this type, demonstrates the existence of other pulse systems.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila