The premature aging of children, increasingly clear

Londoner researchers discover how the premature aging of children or the mutation of the prowess affects the organism.
Progeria Research Foundation.

Londoner researchers discover how the premature aging of children or the mutation of the prowess affects the organism. This syndrome, discovered a year ago by a mutation of the LMNA gene, has found that the protein Lamin A that encodes this gene is responsible for premature aging of cells.

It seems that the protein Lamin A of the progerides divides the cell faster than normal, thus losing its fragmentation capacity before. This makes the cells of the organism aging before.

Progerie syndrome Progeria or Hutchinson-Gilford has been considered a curiosity, as only about 40 cases are known in the world. These children suffer typical diseases of old age, such as infarction, arteriosclerosis, harden the joints... And they have a life expectancy of 13-14 years.

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