Classroom physics

The substance called gel is mainly used to preserve its physical appearance. Although the room is only a liquid of molecular chains, deep scientific research is conducted around it.

These substances are halfway between solid and liquid state. When the liquid phase of the gel undergoes changes (at temperature or at the solvent state), the balance breaks, the structure changes, stretches, contracts or inflates.

The researchers of the Technological Institute of Cambrige, Toyoichi Tanaka, and Eriko Sato Matsuo, have studied these phenomena by introducing the acrylamide room into a cylinder. Depending on the concentration of acetone, the room deforms in two different ways: bulb or bamboo.

When deformed as a bulb in the cylinder, contracted areas and swollen areas appear. When deformed into bamboo, the gel membrane is divided into layers within the cylinder and takes the form of bamboo. After the modification of some external parameters, the researchers have managed to establish in a specific table the conditions of creation of each model.

These new data allow us to take some steps in biology. For example, when the natural gel found in the eyeball swells, the retina releases causing serious problems. Knowing the causes and mechanisms of this murmur can prevent this type of disease.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila