The charm of cider shops


Although we have not said it, you will know well, reader, that the cider season is already underway, the time to drink mommy goxua from the txotx. In no way, it is an old custom rooted in Euskal Herria, which every year attracts more fans.

This year’s txotx season will also be very good, last fall’s time was very good for the good apple cured: in September the sun did not get very hot and we had a high degree of humidity. All this makes this year's cider thin and soft. In addition, this year's harvest has been very abundant, so, at least at the beginning of the season, the kupelas are full.

From time to time, and especially at this time of year, we should all taste the drink we have so ours. And it is that you can drink in moderation, since it contains some carbohydrates and little alcohol.

The problem, therefore, is not what we drink (always in moderation! ), is what we eat in cider shops. Of course, nothing will happen to anyone for doing it from time to time, but if you are one of those who usually attend every week, you should be a little careful as a reader.

If we take a look at the menu in the cider bars, we will realize that in saturated proteins and fats it is excessive: fried cod, cod omelette, chop, cheese… tell us! And in addition, in complex carbohydrates, fiber and some vitamins the menu is very scarce.

Therefore, the meals of cider bars require a little attention to our diet. Knowing that dinner will be like this, the food will have to be rich in vegetables and fresh fruit, as this way we will get fiber and vitamins and eliminate protein-rich foods.

Don't worry about it. This type of dinners will be held from time to time and when we are at this time, do not miss the opportunity. The abuse of the previous night has a simple solution: returning from the coast and the mountain, you will eliminate what is left over and, undoubtedly, you will feel faster. Happy!

Quality in food
companies Quality controls are increasingly important in all industrial activities and, of course, food companies are not on the sidelines of this trend. In this area, two systems are currently used, on the one hand, which analyzes the risks of the process and controls the critical aspects and on the other, the so-called ISO 9,000 of the UNE. The first analyzes especially the hygienic-sanitary measures, while the second considers the general characteristics of the process. Both systems are recommended, but in the Spanish state it is mandatory the first. The mission of both systems is to ensure that products reaching the consumer meet all quality requirements.

food in children Throughout life, our diet must be made up of different foods. As we have said on more than one occasion, some foods are richer and more recommendable than others, but you have to take them all because none can satisfy all needs. This habit of eating everything, of course, must be encouraged in childhood, since in this way it will be easier to have correct eating habits afterwards. Concerned about this problem, a survey of children's food was conducted in a nursery in the city of Burgos, with quite worrying results in concluding that, in general, the size of children's food is not balanced at all.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila