International project in Euskal Herria

This course, although the first material was published in January, was developed among us the international program “Eskolatik Eskolako”. Eighteen teams have participated that have started at different times of the year.

The main idea has been to join the work on common issues related to Environmental Education. Although the issues have been of interest to themselves, the approach itself motivates the research of the environment and helps us to clarify the role that we must play in it, individually and collectively. The exchange of experiences and conclusions (i.e., approaches, lifestyles and contrasts of valuations that arise spontaneously from the debate) is an essential element to work personal thought and creativity, since they are real and alive and not theoretical or encyclopedic.

An Italian group has prepared a special material for this. There have been explanations and compilations of activities. A research plan has been developed for each basic topic. In these investigations all school groups have participated under the responsibility of one or more teachers, immersed in their own environment. It must be said that the main difficulty has been in communication, since conclusions should be focused on students with very different environments and languages, both orally and in writing, making capacity and skill a reality.

This course has been published four working groups in 6 annexes. These are: Population, Resources, Houses and shelters, Houses and residences, Useful and useless and World Pie.

We found the approach of the program interesting from the beginning. The evolution he has experienced and the opinions of the participants have confirmed this initial suspicion. Proof of this are the following reasons:

  • First, because it allows to open the eyes to the school and especially to the students. As new approaches, realities and living, everyday experiences, as striking as the close environment that each sees, feels and analyzes.
  • On the other hand, other peoples, youth, customs and behaviors, culture, sensitivity, etc. because they are motivating elements.
  • Such a program can encourage several schools, students and teachers and the community to participate in environmental education projects.
  • Also outside the program for the interest of topics and materials, as it can provide an experience and a treasure of resources.
  • Because in addition to this, it carries out other options. Monitoring and dissemination of experiences, opening of communication channels between our centers, evaluation of proposals, adaptations made, alternatives and suggestions, ...

The program has been extended to everyone. Schools from Africa, America, etc. participate. The Secretariat of Milan organized the distribution of twinning groups. Participation in this exchange has been very uneven. Italy has had 1,100 participants in the program and in the rest of territories only 600. For this reason, all twinning has been carried out for the moment with the Italian ikastolas. They have also had to do this among themselves in some cases. The dissemination of this program or the like will mean more opportunities.

Outside of school there are also groups that use these materials for their projects. Therefore, “Elhuyar. We believe that the material published through the journal “Science and Technology” has made a great contribution to the dissemination of Environmental Education.

The start of the program was delayed in the Autonomous Community. Then, we have kept the deadline of one month, since they sent us the material once published, conditioning the work deadlines here. In this way, the commitments of participation of schools have come little by little and it has not been possible to meet the work deadlines and relationship of the program. On the other hand, the interest and dynamics generated in each center has been positive.

In any case, it is advisable that at the beginning of the course it is taken into account that the project when designing the year-round programming is integrated into the curriculum experience and, if possible, involving different teachers or areas in interdisciplinary treatment. Given the breadth and complexity of the work proposal, it is advisable to take into account the difficulties posed by different teachers: problems that arise at the time of the development of the subjects and activities, lack of flexibility and time necessary, difficulties of adaptation to previously prepared programs, etc.

The call that took place in December 1992 was attended by 18 groups. These and other interested parties have been sent material in Basque. In some centres, in addition to Basque, a copy has been requested in English, involving the area and teachers. It should be noted that in most cases the language chosen to communicate with the group has been English.

Another obstacle has been the system used to communicate with the classroom to which it belongs. In most cases the mail has been used. The postal service increases the exchange times of contributions and results, stopping the dynamics and motivation of the work. The Secretariat of Milan has especially influenced this problem and after several opinions have explained the need to change the system.

In the case of the Autonomous Community, most groups, although they have been able to present themselves, have not been able to exchange material with the classroom to which they belong. The work will begin the next course.

You have to use an incredible imagination and skill to overcome linguistic problems, as each group works the topics in one group, even if you choose another one for exchange.

Each participant sends a questionnaire to CEIDA/IHIA. This sheet is presented at the end of each of the topics and offers the possibility to assess and assess which sections have been proposed. This is the information we send to the secretariat of Milan.

The most valued and outstanding area has been motivation. The communications received have aroused the fondness of the students. Although initially some group took over, the following have been encouraged to join the program. Opinions on the issues presented and their approach have been positive. As for the activities, they are different, too complex for some and very interesting, suggestive and simple for others. In any case, they are useful to use them at the time they are found or to model them with idea or to create alternative activities.

Although someone has said that the material has been heavy and too long, others (and our opinion is also rich in data and examples, and useful to expand the view of the subject and guide its concrete treatment. On the other hand, it is true that in a few pages many things are wanted, so the presentation is very consistent and makes reading difficult.

In the next course, groups planning to start and continue work will continue their work proposal, maintaining collaboration with the classroom that has been part of this course, developing their own pace and planning.

Those wishing to join the international program “From School to School” during the course 1993-94, may also do so. All material that has been published and contacted in July or September will be sent to you to plan the course. In the Italian secretariat you will also be informed of the class in which you have belonged after making the arrangements. This is therefore the call we send to all who want to participate in the program. Below is a list of the classrooms and managers who are already participating in the project, if you want to make any queries.

Therefore, we encourage you to integrate these sessions into your teaching activities by participating in this international program. This project will undoubtedly be the starting point for other projects beyond the relationship. Let it be another step in shaping this ethic regarding the planet: “Think and influence your close and also universal environment.”

Name of the centres and managers currently participating in the program:

IkastetxeaResponsible Location
Joannes Etxeberri I. Ikastola P.Barandiaran
Langile Ikastola
Hilarion EslabaZubilleta I.

Zuazu I.P.Kobeaga Lea Artibai
ikastetxeaSan Ignacio,
I.B.Instituto de Hondarribia Instituto
Politécnico ViteriJesus Obrero Instituto Politécnico Instituto

de Bachillerato de OndarroaInstituto
Baztan Ikastola Centro ICE

Working Group Gradary Hernani Burlada Algorta Santurtzi-Markina Hondarribia Errenteria Vitoria-GasteizOndarroa Elizabeth Derio BilboAbadiano-Oiartzun

Rafael Aristegi Madrid.
Fernando Araiko Ituren
Itziar Pagoaga
<unk> Arrate Oianguren
ChurruEsther Turi<unk>
Joseba GabikLourdes SorozaGloria de la

AvalArantza RodrigezMendibilInmakulada Zudaire
Eduardo Zabala

Dendarieta Kepa Jabalij.
C. Munecas Goikoetxea
Pío Pérez AldasoroJokin Axpe
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila