Learn to perceive your health in the mirror

Agirre, Jabier

Medikua eta OEEko kidea

But have we ever realized that the mirror can give us many clues about our state of health? The appearance itself, as we will see below, will inform us of many alterations.

We all spent many minutes in front of the mirror. But have we ever realized that the mirror can give us many clues about our state of health? The appearance itself, as we will see below, will inform us of many alterations. That's why I recommend you continue reading this article, as you will find the main SIGNS that indicate you are healthy. If so, congratulations!. If not, do not worry, but in any case go to your doctor.

We started with PMMS. Even if it's bad education, go out and look in the mirror. If it is pink you are fine. The very red tongue can be representative of some type of infection; for example, the tongue with white layer (saburral tongue) indicates alteration or inadequate feeding of digestion. However, western habits, high-fat foods, and food remains make most of us have a pretty white tongue. Don't worry!

In some cases you will notice wrinkles or irregularities in the language. This type of languages is called geographical and has no relation to any specific disease.

You have seen how many data can be collected only when looking at the language. Observe the TEETH that surround you. Apparent presence (dirty, for lack of hygiene) of yellowish colors (for many reasons), of green spots (for excess fluoride) or of pranks.

You also have DWARFS around your teeth. If when touching the brush they are put in blood or are increased (until they notice a certain interruption in their union with the tooth), they have what is known as periodontal disease or dentition disease and should go to a dentist.

If you open your mouth more, you will see that inside you cover a tissue known as MUCOSA. This mucosa can also change. First, oral mucosa (such as skin and other mucous membranes) can be a sign of anemia. The normal color of the oral mucosa is pink. Other diseases can cause lesions in this mucosa (scarlet, measles, rubella). Typhoid fever carries ulcers inside the mouth. Often the mucosa is irritated, reddened in color by tobacco. Etc.

If you haven't found anything strange until now, keep looking inside the mouth. There, inside, we will see a central velvet and two lateral columns, meats called front and rear pillars. A little further down, among them, if you have not yet been torn, you will see two organs called AMIGDALA. They can also appear increased, irritated, and with small points of pus. In this case, it is an infection, called tonsillitis (ditxose anginas), which you probably have suffered several times.

If you have had any patience to get here, you have permission to close your mouth, reader. If you look a little higher up, you will find yourself with your own eyes and in them there is much to see. First you will see the EYELIDS. If you have enlargements you may have some kidney or nerve disease, or what is much more common, long ago you're not asleep at night. On the contrary, if you have big buttonholes (and that's not your usual aspect) you may have some serious problem. Sometimes you can see that one eyelid is more fallen than the other. The cause may be congenital or an injury (which can simultaneously affect the nerves, muscles, or both).

Following the eye, you will never have paid much attention to the membrane that covers the eye and eyelids, except when it is swollen. It is called CONJUNCTIVITIS to the event, in which the conjunctive reddens, increases and in some cases also faints. However, in the conjunctive one can see more things: pigmentation, when the color is yellowish, gives us the feeling that it is minority (a liver or biliary alteration), while the gray color is more rare.

Finally, as for the iris, check if its appearance is normal, that is, if any irregularity or defect is seen. We can't say anything else, although those trying to diagnose along the Iris would mention the signs and brands of a lot of diseases. One thing can be added, if YOUR BETSEIN or PUPILS are equal, it is totally normal. Brain lesions (or a light, such as alcohol poisoning) will decrease or increase the pupils.

If you keep looking at the FACE you will see that it has pink color, if there is no alteration. The paler color is typical of renal diseases and/or anemias. However, viola or purple (especially on the lips) makes us suspect a problem of lung or heart. Yellowish tone, may be considered synonymous with liver injury, etc. However, the color variability is very large within normality, so the skin of the farmers and of those who generally stay long in the sun is not the same as that of the people who spend the whole day in an office.

We also have to pay attention to the OES, so go a cure and look at them. If you see very pale ears, it is possible to have some anemia again. However, if they are very congested, blood pressure may be high. Large ears have been identified with an excellent state of health and small ears with the same weak and sick character, but this identification has no scientific reason.

Regarding EZPAIN, we have already said that their normal color is pink (if you have not painted them, of course! ). If yours is blue, you may have a heart lung injury. Likewise, the appearance of wounds on the lips can be something irrelevant or the first trace of a cancer (eye with smokers, cigars and especially pipe burners). Therefore, if you have a wound or injury to your lips that has not healed you during the normal season, you should go to your doctor. Wrinkles appearing around the lip (and even on the face) have to do with the nature and identity of the person and with the stress of life.

Until now we have mentioned the corners of the face. From now on, we will ask you to also observe other parts of the body. First, keep in mind that it should be almost SYMMETRIC, that is, the left part of your body should be very similar to the right. If you compare both hands you will see that they have little difference and those that there are justify the existence of a left or a right. Look on both sides of the body. That is the first step to finding anomalies.

Lumps can appear in the SKIN (cysts, grains, narcotic drugs, etc. ). ), without cancer. However, it is convenient that when one is found, one takes a case periodically. Do not forget it. Normally they won't disappear, but don't worry. Go to the doctor and this one relaxes you.

There are bone unions called JOINTS. If you think they are increased and lately you have not hit, it can be rheumatic. Be attentive to whether you have pain or if you have lost movement in that joint at the height of the other side.

We can feel or feel our arterial pulses to know if we have traffic problems. The simplest shot is the radial pulse that is taken on the wrist on the edge corresponding to the thumb. If the pulse goes fast we are nervous, but if it goes slow, calm. Normally we will have 80 beats per minute, but the person's personality, the sport, the constitution, etc. They can change this figure without having any disease.

As for the BENOUS SYSTEM, thrombus, obesity and sedentary lifestyle cause varicose veins, usually varicose veins in the legs. On other occasions, these varicose veins can stand out in the belly, and if they appeared suddenly it would be better to consult the doctor.

The distribution of LP is a sign of health, although many healthy people fall their hair (inheritance, constitution, excess hormones, etc.) and vice versa, people with a lot of hair can suffer from diseases.

Normally, the STOMACH is capable of reproducing internal lesions. Therefore, under the breastbone and if we feel pain in the center, it is possible to have problems in the stomach. The lower pains indicate intestinal and intestinal. The pain of the right (under the ribs), the alteration of the liver and gallbladder, should lead us to the head. However, abdominal pain is as irradiated as infarctions, that is, quite often the pain has nothing to do with the internal organ of the area.

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