Body, energy consuming machine (II)

Brief Brief Notes: Brief Notes

As explained in the previous issue, on this occasion, we will focus on the other factors that we must take into account to calculate the energy consumption of each one of us, analyzing body composition and physical exercise.

The human body in general is a machine composed of water, fat and muscles, which are our components. In any case, the proportion of these components is not the same in all cases and, for example, men have a higher amount of protein than women and a lower amount of fat (15% of the body in men and 25% in women).

As is logical, the energy needs vary: women need less energy because the metabolism of fats is slower and, on the contrary, the metabolism of proteins is faster, so men tend to have greater needs. This aspect is reflected in the following table: doing the same activity, it is clearly observed that women and men have different energy consumption.

As mentioned above, among the factors to take into account is daily activity. The type of work and physical exercise have a lot to do with our needs. As is known, a person working in the office burns fewer calories than a bricklayer. The choice of exercise that requires individual work is difficult, but the physical exercise that we can perform outside of it can be very variable and, in addition, can be chosen.

We have already said that women usually burn fewer calories, but if you are a sportsman, the woman will burn more calories than the guy who spends all day lying. There are, therefore, important biological laws, but our energy consumption, in a great grinding, we can choose it. Taking as a model the following table, you can calculate the activity carried out by each of you and the daily energy needs. And from there, tell us! News News News

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WOMAN (60 kg)MAN (70 kg)

Lying Standing Seated (watching TV) Running fast Driving by bike

60 kcal/h 105 kcal/h 90 kcal/h 140 kcal/h 140 kcal/h 350 kcal/h 155 kcal/h 360 kcal/h 72 kcal/h 125 kcal/h 105 kcalh 160 kcal/h 410 kcal/h 180 kcal/h 420 kcal/h
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila