Domestic accidents: are we safe?

Agirre, Jabier

Medikua eta OEEko kidea

In recent years, domestic accidents have doubled in our country, especially among the elderly and those. And while most injuries are not serious, they can always be resolved by taking simple steps.
B. Cork

According to studies and statistics, the hours that most accidents occur in the home are those of noon (between 11 and 12) and those of the afternoon. Women, especially those over the age of 45, suffer the most accidents (it has always been so, since they are the ones who perform the most hours at home). Older people and children are, for this reason, the other groups that make the most visits to the emergency services.

As Dr. Antonio Herrera, president of the Spanish Society of Traumatology, points out, "in elderly people it is the falls that cause fractures of the hip, wrist and shoulder. In children, the most common accidents are cuts and injuries, electricity accidents and poisoning by cleaning products, insecticide sprays or detergents." And of course, the kitchen and bathrooms are the most rugged rooms, followed by stairs and balconies.

What to do as prevention in adults?

If you live with an old man who always, remember the dose to take by sticking a little jar.

It is not possible to anticipate all risk situations, but many of them can be discarded, correcting some of the actions or activities we do daily and adequately adapting the housing, especially if we live with an older person with motor disabilities and diminished responsiveness.

The following tips, specially designed for this group of people, but also for other family members, will help you prevent possible accidents:

  • Objects you will need should not be stored or stored in high places. They should be made available to users, as this way you will not have to climb the dock when you want to collect them and use them.
  • If you take medicine, remember the dose to take with a note on the bottle. This prevents the mixture of drugs in the intake.
  • Older people usually go to the bathroom, even at night. And this is one of the situations that causes most falls, since many times they do not illuminate or obscure to not disturb other relatives. They should sleep in the room closest to the bathroom, with accessible switches near the bed.
    If you live with a person with decreased ability to move and responsiveness, be careful with carpets as a cause of many accidents.
  • Be careful with carpets as many accidents occur in them hindering and falling. Ground connection with adhesive strips is recommended. Carpets are also a good solution to cushion falls.
  • As far as possible, wet floors should be avoided, both in the kitchen and in the bathroom with ceramic care, as they are hardly dried. On the other hand, it is advisable to avoid that the floors of the whole house get too upset (beware of wax).
  • In unusual situations, such as holidays, or after a few days in the hospital, special care should be taken. Changes in habits in these situations have been shown to increase the number of falls.
  • Do not accumulate furniture inside the home that is only an obstacle or obstacle for the elderly.
  • Wear rubber sole shoes or slippers at home to avoid a very good idea, terrifying slips and slips.
  • To prevent the numerous falls that occur in bathtubs or showers it is convenient to place non-slip rubber adhesives and gripping devices on the walls. These last devices will be very useful when sitting or getting up in the bathroom, especially for those who have astrosis in the legs.

Housewife accidents

If you have children, keep detergents and other detergents locked or in a high place.
B. Cork

Be especially careful in the situations listed below, and don't abuse them if you don't want to have a home upset.

  • Cleaning of high parts. If you climb into a chair, make sure your weight is sturdy and sturdy. However, it would be better to use a ladder.
  • Beware of cleaning windows. For street cleaning, use a relatively long tool, never try to pull half of the body with one hand.
  • When opening the pressure cooker, keep calm enough. If you are in a hurry, pour cold water, a tap or another over, but never immerse yourself in a pan.
  • Never wash the mixer or meat grinder if plugged in. If the appliance is still connected to the electric current, no hand will be inserted between knives or sharp blades.
  • Do not leave kitchen rags or plastic bags beside the fire.
    And in the case of children, what? The
    following recommendations may be valid:
  • In the kitchen, always leave the handles of pans and pots inside; keep detergents and other detergents locked or in a high place; do not let the child approach the oven if it is lit; and do not leave the child alone in the kitchen, especially if there is something to the fire.
  • Do not leave plastic bags within reach of the child.
  • Place safety devices in all sockets in the house.
  • Although the most common accidents in children are cuts and wounds, burns are quite frequent.
    R. Clothing
    If we leave a window open, there are no chairs around so it does not rise. If possible protect windows and balconies with auxiliary railings.
  • Do not leave hot plates within reach of children.
  • If younger than 3 years, the child should not play with small objects or toys with small removable parts.
  • Store medicines high and if possible locked.
  • Never store cleaning products in beverage bases.
  • Alcohol and tobacco are for adults, don't leave it within reach of children.
  • Prevent children from playing with small appliances (blender, dryer, heaters, etc.)
  • In front of the stairs there are railings.
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila