
Carton Virto, Eider

Elhuyar Zientzia

In recent years, the Basque Government has maintained a clear policy of creating and building high-level scientific research centres. The CICs (Cooperative Research Centres) were the first and the BERCs (Basque Excellence Research Centres) later became a network of universities and research centres. The economic effort has not been negligible. Seven CIC and BERC exist today, but ten years ago and most of those nuclei were solar.

In fact, two of the three researchers we have gathered around a table for this issue work on two of those ancient plots. Both routes back and forth. In fact, the departure abroad was, in most cases, the inevitable fate of those who wanted to pursue the research career. The history of the life of many researchers is the development of the thesis in economic and contractual conditions, if it is possible to use this word, that the postdoctoral stay abroad is or unwanted, and then… who knows.

With the presence of Urtziri, Naiarari and Felix, it is clear that the researcher’s trajectory remains “although”. Despite the precariousness, despite the instability, despite the vague future... “Because I have a vocation and because it satisfies me otherwise.”

How long? There is no doubt that the field of vocational work is that of the researcher, but they are sufficient “although” the effort and dedication of their own, without needing any extra. And that has become quite clear, because the kinds of science have been emptying as the solar fills. Now we live a paradoxical moment. At a time when there is more infrastructure for research than ever, the quarry is missing: fewer and fewer young people in universities want to devote themselves to research. We have a complex multi-factor equation in hand, but there are some “though” that need to be changed with “less evil” that have long been clean.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila