From the sea to the world

It can be said that the technological past of Euskal Herria flourished, largely, at sea, with shipbuilding. When 500 years ago humans made the first round the world, they were accompanied by the marine technology of the Basques. We have analyzed, in collaboration with the Elkano Foundation, the main scientific and technological contributions of shipbuilding and this prestigious trip.

The shipbuilding, in addition to spreading the world, also carved out our landscape: motley trees were opened in Euskal Herria, which we consider today as one of the endearing of our traditional landscape. We have analyzed what was sustainable forestry for centuries. And we have also focused on current forestry, which is becoming a growing source of conflict. Researchers Arturo Elosegi Irurtia and Aitziber Sarobe Egiguren reflect on the situation and exploitation of forests here.

One of the consequences of forest and ecosystem degradation has also been studied: covid-19. Virologists and zoologists are already clear that the real origin of COVID-19 disease is in the imbalance between wildlife and our interaction. And they pose a concern: the danger of turning wild animals into virus deposits.

On the other hand, we interviewed linguist Itziar Laka Mugarza. It has revolutionized the myths and prejudices that arise around human language, with its strength and humor, and has highlighted human pride.

Finally, we have brought to this issue the winners of the CAF-Elhuyar Scientific Outreach Awards. In memory of the pandemic, this year they have had the slogan “Txertoa da jakintza”. Nahi Seijas Garzón (one of the winners), with the award in his hands, considered as human right to now have information to understand, follow and participate in scientific advances. Take note of these words, pass the page and dive into the sea of science.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila