Clarify why Zika virus also spreads through sexual intercourse

Zika virus infects human vagina epithelial cells through UFO receptors located in the cell membrane. In the image, the UFO receivers are marked with fluorescence. Ed. James Mungia, Jr., Meharry Medical Col

American researchers have recently discovered that Zika virus infects cells that cover the human vaginal tract. Scientists knew that prior to the epidemic expansion initiated in 2015 from Asia to America, the Zika virus spread, in addition to mosquitoes, through sexual relations. But so far it has not been known how the transmission occurred. In fact, it is not usual that it can be transmitted through sexual intercourse between viruses of the Flabibantivirus family: Zika and hepatitis C virus are the only ones capable.

The new research has made it possible to identify the virus that gives access to cells: It is considered UFO receptor, protein present in the plasma membrane of vaginal cells. Associated with it, the virus manages to merge its membrane with the cell membrane and penetrate it. Along with this, it is clear that replication of the virus in the vaginal epithelium and its generation in large quantities is the first step to extend the virus infection to the whole body.

The authors of the paper highlight the need to investigate more about the mechanism of entry into vaginal cells (Meharry Medical College, USA), but also point out that clarification of the molecular mechanism of access to the virus will allow the creation of antibodies that block the UFO receptor and the development of antimicarga treatments, for the moment there is no treatment.

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