Trying to lessen the ozone layer

In the problem of the disappearance of the ozone layer there is no short-term solution. The complexity of the solutions lies in the search for partial solutions. These include replacing CFCs. Surprisingly, the search for substitute substances has been carried out in the CFC family itself. Some chemists have praised the characteristics of CFC 123 (1.1 -dichloro2,2-trifluoroethane).

CFC11 is the most harmful substance in the CFC family. The life of this substance, in addition to age 65, is even more harmful. However, the life of CFC 123 is 18 months. On the other hand, by ascending these substances very slowly into the stratosphere, it disconnects before reaching the stratosphere CFC 123. Therefore, the ozone layer is very low. According to some researchers, the ozone disease rate of CFC 123 is 7% of CFC 11.

Therefore, the largest producer of CFC in the world, the company "Du Pont" of the USA, at its manufacturing plant in Ontorio in 1991, will only produce the substance CFC 123.

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