Oil against obesity

For many years children have taken cod liver oil with a tablespoon of their mother. Most of the time the child did not know why he took it, but from now on adults can start taking it knowing what to do. Before, it should be checked whether the effects of a trial with rats occur also in people.

The team led by scientist Rene Groscolas at the centre of the CNRS in Strasburg has shown that rats are thinned with the help of cane or fish oil. Whether obesity is genetic or nutritional, if the “sainez” regime is carried out for four weeks, the two groups of fat present in the animal’s belly reached the fifth part, while the rest remained in the first.

It was already known that fish oil reduced the rates of triglycerides in blood and the risk of suffering a heart attack was lower. But if the behavior in animals is checked in the human being, we will be many who will take daily the dose of cod liver oil. In this way we will lose weight and in passing we will take the remedy against arteriosclerosis.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila