Research Climbers

Research Climbers
01/04/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Archive)

Various research has shown that climbing harms living beings from rocks. However, it has been proven that climbing does not produce the expected impact if the characteristics of the climbing pathways microhabitats are taken into account.

The investigation has been carried out in the rocks of Niagara, in the United States, where there have already been many investigations that show that the escalation is harmful. In many of them the existing vegetation on the roads used by climbers has been compared with that existing in the surrounding rocks, and it has been concluded that vegetation and lichens on the roads is less than on the outside.

However, current research has considered the microhabitat of climbing routes: slope, ledges... Regardless of these parameters, they have come to a conclusion similar to previous research. However, given the characteristics of the microhabitat, it is observed that the lack of vegetation is mainly related to the characteristics of the place. Therefore, the authors of the latter propose that the previous research be reviewed, considering that the results may be different.

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