For our health

The investigation of drugs and/or future remedies can cause in the medium term more negative effects than expected. In Australia they have already realized this danger and have warned that many oceanic organisms are on the way to extinction.

Aside from the carefree behaviors with regard to oceanic organisms, several biologists show support for promoting more appropriate ways to produce remedies.

Biologists from the University of Queensland have denounced that, driven by several drug-producing companies, marine organisms are being exploited without measures, without knowing the consequences of this activity. It is known that the idea that all submerged organisms can serve to produce cures is totally corrupt, but biologists have denounced that when there are economic interests this is forgotten.

These biologists have shown support for promoting more adequate forms of remedial production, eliminating useless behaviors, and for this they have proposed exploring different ways. Among these alternative pathways, for example, the creation of aquacultural research centers through the involvement of laboratory personnel is considered an adequate solution.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila