Gottlieb Daimler

Azkune Mendia, Iñaki

Elhuyar Fundazioa

This German engineer was born in Schorndorf, Württemberg, on March 17, 1834. As a young man he worked in a weapons factory and studied technical studies in Stuttgart, then capital of the independent state Württemberg.

He then worked for four years at the Graftenstad house to build locomotives in Alsace. In 1860, in Paris, E. In 1863 he returned to Germany, where he was first director of a technical school and then a factory.

In 1872 Wilhelm Maybach and Daimler were called to reorganize the Deutz factory next to the Cologne. There since 1864. A. Otto and E. In Langen a gas engine was being manufactured, but in 1876 a four-stroke internal combustion engine was started.

However, in the factory of Daimler and Maybach Deutz they were not satisfied to have organized their new factory in 1882. In 1883 Daimler got a high-speed engine. It was more agile and effective than the previous ones. That same year he coupled the new engine to a boat.

In 1885 he invented the carburetor and manufactured a gasoline burning engine. That same year he took the bike to one of his engines and used it through the streets of the town of Mannheim, in the area of Baden (placed two small wheels on the bike so that it did not return). Of course, it was the first motorcycle.

In 1887 a four-wheel vehicle was driven and it can be said that it was one of the first. It is difficult to say that the car was invented by a certain person. In fact, XIX. In the last three decades of the 20th century, many scientists worked on it, but in any case Daimler should be placed in the foreground.

In 1889, Daimler and Maybach presented at the Paris Universal Exhibition the first car built entirely in steel.

In 1890 Daimler founded in Kannstadt the engine manufacturing company Daimler-motoren-Gesellschaft, where he began manufacturing Mercedes cars, named after Daimler's daughter.

E. Daimler Deutz works in the factory. He met Sarazin, French, and then E. He married Mr. Levassor. For this reason, the French company Panhard Levassor began manufacturing Daimler engines in France that were used by the firm Peugeot to manufacture cars in chassis manufactured by itself. Then the Panhard-Levassor house also started making cars.

Mr. Gottlieb Daimler died on 6 March 1990 in the town of Kannstatt in Württemberg, but his founding company continued in 1926 its relationship with the company "Benz" and since then began to build the cars "Mercedes-Benz". They also manufactured engines for locomotives, boats and planes. Hindenburg and Graf Zeppelin also manufactured propulsion engines for giant airballoons, and in 1936 began manufacturing diesel engine cars.

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