Latest trends in road repair

San Martin Oier

Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Until recently, for the repair of a road, another layer of asphalt agglomerate was placed on the pavement. This technique is considered inadequate today, after numerous repairs and overlapping layers, as the road level is too high. This entails many other problems: the instability of the firm, the obstruction of the channel, the inadequate height of the roadside arcenes… Now, for this type of work, the road is scratched, the top layer is removed and a thinner layer is placed so that it does not reach greater height.

Ten years ago a layer of 5-6 centimeters was placed in the repair of the pavement. Currently it is only fixed 2-3 centimeters and the results are equal or better.

This new layer is usually draining. This type of layers, in addition to driving comfort, increase safety, especially when it rains.

Previously closed mixtures were made to avoid leaks and extend the duration of the pavement. However, the use of new and old methods, the application of a new layer only serves in simple repairs and general innovations every four or five years. When the road is twenty years old, the basic layer must also be modified, as this base is dismantled due to water infiltrations.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila