Collaborating dBase III plus and Byline

Anyone in the computer world will know a database and, of course, a text editor.

What has happened is that these two applications have been used independently and each with a specific purpose. Ordered texts, i.e. different fonts, margins, tabulators, etc. When you wanted to present yourself with the use of it, you would use the text editor. Conversely, databases are often used only to store, classify, search, etc. data sets with the same structure.

However, the needs of entering the information we have in the databases in normal texts are increasing, for example when you want to send a personalized letter to all customers or subscribers.

With Byline all this is very simple, as it is enough to have updated the database to make these changes automatically in the documents.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila