CFC cfc substances

The CFC substances responsible for the damage suffered by the ozone layer are also an important agent in the "greenhouse effect" that is occurring on earth.

Wolfrid Bach and Atul Dios, from the German University of Münster, have considered it essential to halt the production of CFC substances to reduce the risk of greenhouse effect by 2050.

James Lovelo was the first scientist to discover that CFC substances did not allow heat transmission. In 1973 he discovered this phenomenon. The sharp increase in the production of CFCs over the last 30 years has allowed its storage in the atmosphere and, as is estimated at the moment, its main contribution to the greenhouse effect associated with CO2.

Although it is difficult to estimate the temperature increase on Earth until 2050, the model formed by researchers Bach and Jain estimates an average increase of 3.35ºC, but if the production of CFC substances is completely interrupted, the increase would be about 1.7ºC.

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