Two perfume droplets to show our most attractive side

More or less, we all like to throw some of our favorite perfume before going out on the street. According to the study conducted at the University of Bern (Switzerland), this odor depends on the most important histocompatibility complex of each person (MHC), that is, on the part of the genome related to sexual attraction and body defenses against diseases. Instead of hiding the smell of our body, perfumes increase some characteristics of this smell to alert potential couples and show that we have good health.

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A previous study revealed that the MHC of people who are attracted are different. In this way, the descendants of this couple will have a better immune system and a greater chance of fighting pathogens.

It seems that between male and female MHC there are no differences, although normally the aromas they like are different. It seems to be a matter of fashion, since until about 50 years ago no perfumes were made for one or another sex.

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