Lactic acid: not enemy, but friend

Lactic acid: not enemy, but friend
01/10/2007 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Archive)

We associate lactic acid with physical activity, which are not used to physical activity. If someone works more than normal, lactic acid accumulates in those tissues. In general, lactic acid has a negative effect. Scientists from Denmark have found in a study that lactic acid also has positive aspects and have published their results in the journal The Journal of Physiology.

It has been proven that during prolonged physical activities, lactic acid and adrenaline may continue to contract the muscles. During prolonged physical activities, potassium ions leave out of muscle fibers and break the ionic balance that is usually in normal conditions. This imbalance causes the electrical signal that causes muscle contraction to slow down and paralyze the muscle. If in this situation there is adrenaline and lactic acid, the signaling system does not fail and the contraction capacity remains.

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