Durrell, biologist and writer

Roa Zubia, Guillermo

Elhuyar Zientzia

Durrell, biologist and writer
01/07/2009 | Roa Zubia, Guillermo | Elhuyar Zientzia Komunikazioa
(Photo: Recent searches

The famous Gerald Durrell is due to two reasons. First because he opened a zoo to collect endangered species, the zoo on the island of Jersey.

The second main reason is: Durrell was an expert writer. With the theme of his work with animals, he wrote a large collection of books. Any of these books is good for those who want to read about conservation. And not only for them, because in many books Durrell has also interspersed autobiographical accounts.

His best-known book is My Family and Other Animals. Durrell's family left England and lived five years on the island of Korfu, Greece. The book collects memories of the time from the point of view of the nine-year-old boy Gerald Durrell. At first, the book had to refer to his relationship with animals in Korfun. But "in the first pages of the book I got the family, and that was a big mistake," Durrell wrote. "As they were on paper, they started appropriating the following chapters, and they also invited their friends. Overcoming the great difficulties, and with skill, I managed to keep some leaves that were only for animals."

Durrell wrote many books for the zoo. One of them is the Catch Me a Colobus. It tells the events that occurred in the zoo itself and, with it, in some trips in search of animals. Describes a trip to Sierra Leone to capture leopards and colobos; another in Mexico to find the teporin rabbit, etc.

The aim of Durrellen Zoo is the conservation of threatened species. In fact, Durrell's writings explain the philosophy underlying this objective. The writer died in 1995, but his work did not cease, but, together with the zoo, he founded the Wildlife Preservation Trust International Foundation, for the same purpose. Precisely this year the foundation has turned 50 years.

Two books
My family and other animals
Gerald Durrell
Editorial Alliance
174x110 mm
ISBN: 84-206-3335-6
Original title: My Family and Other Animals
Catch me that monkey
Gerald Durrell
Editorial Alliance
180x110 mm
ISBN: 84-206-1909-4
Original title: Catch Me to Colobus
Roa Bridge, Guillermo
Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila