13. zenbakia
eu es fr en cat gl
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Apareixerà un contingut traduït automàticament. Vols continuar?
Aparecerá un contido traducido automaticamente. ¿Desexas continuar?
Working spelling
Text created by automatic translator Elia and has not been subsequently revised by translators.
Elia Elhuyar
The aim of this program is to work on spelling some words. Every time a word appears on the screen.
The aim of this program is to work on spelling some words. Every time a word appears on the screen. This word may be correctly written or contain any errors. What you will be asked to do is write the word correctly in either case. The program will tell you whether you've been successful or not, giving a correct answer in cases where you're wrong. The program presented here is done in a very simple way and some concrete words have been worked out. Our main goal is to explain how you can write these types of programs; then everyone will see what words are interested in working and whether they want to make any changes or not. While in this case only the words have been treated, there are other possibilities: ask about the word or concept defined by a definition or ask to correct some words of a text. Observations: When asking questions in this program, the words are randomly selected from the data entered in the DATE statements (line 310). But randomness has the drawback that numbers can be repeated at any time and, in that case, the same question can be repeated successively. To avoid this, a filter or filter has been installed that ensures that the last question is different from the previous questions. The filter was made with a table. Each time a new random comes out, it must be compared with the existing ones, and if it is different it will be saved in the table as the last element, eliminating the oldest (1º). (Lines 320-370). If you want to clear the repeats, simply increase the length of the table. In this case the table of 5 elements has been used. In this case the answers must be written in lowercase so that the program accepts them, but in capital letters there is no inconvenience. To achieve this, you must make the following changes: – Include the capitalized answer in the DATE statements. – Read the three in three data (line 380) – Compare the answer with two: lowercase and uppercase. To finish the first option 4 offered by the program, the answer to 15 questions is correct. Reinvent 50 to finish Alternative 5. (Line 220). Each time you finish an option, you can access another option without restarting the program (line 460). 10 REM working spelling 20 DIM FIL(5): J=0 30 KEY OFF: SCREEN 1.0: CLS 40 LOCATE 12,6: PRINT "SPELLING PROGRAM" 50 FOR I=1 TO 2000: K=K+1: NEXT I 60 CLS: RANDOMIZE TIMER 70 LOCATE 4,15: PRINT "MAIN MENU 7,9" 90 LOCATE 9,9. TX, TS or TZ 100 LOCATE 11,9: PRINT "3. X, S or Z 110 LOCATE 13,9: PRINT "4. Organic, yes or no?" 120 LOCATE 15,9: PRINT "5. All mixed" 130 LOCATE 17,9: PRINT "6. End program 140 LOCATE 20,6: INPUT "What options you want to work"; AUK 150 IF AUK 1 OR AUK 6 THEN LOCATE 20,6: PRINT SPC(34) GOTO 140 160 CLS 170 LOCATE 2,12: PRINT : GOOD=GOOD+1 ELSE PRINT "BAD! ";Word1$". "priest", "priest", "priest", "priest", "priest", "willow", "priest", "willow", "canvas", "desolate", "willow"