Cutting-edge research

Kaltzada, Pili

Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Maria Arantzazu Linaza, Jose Mari Rodriguez and Jose Jabier Urkola work in the CEIT Materials Department. Its main obsession is steel. No wonder. The microstructure of steel has been studied in detail and the last few months have gone through incomprehensible interstices for profane eyes. The results of this work will be published soon by Elhuyar. Before receiving them, we have talked to them so that you can get to know these researchers better. Of course, steel.

Elhuyar: “The difficulty of steels in the fragile/ductile transition” is the title of the research work that Elhuyar will publish soon. Although steel is a known material, we are surprised to know that there is much to investigate. Has the difficulty not been investigated so far?

M.A. Linaza and J.M. Rodríguez, J.J. Together with Urkola, they are the authors of the research paper "The difficulty of steels in the fragile/harikor transition" that Elhuyar will publish soon.

CEIT: In addition to researchers, citizens also know steel very well. It is a sector of great tradition that has adapted to many uses in the Basque Country. We work to improve these uses. We are looking for a suitable and economical steel for later use in companies. We analyze the microstructure of the steel, all its characteristics. Hardness and resistance, for example, are well-known parameters. However, it is not so with all the features. The difficulty is the least known. We wanted to know the energy that absorbs steel before breaking it, that is, understand the factors that influence the difficulty of steel.

Elhuyar: Where will the research results be used?

CEIT: For starters, in Euskal Herria. CAF, GSB Afora, in companies like Tubos Juntos. We have collaborated with companies that work with steel before reaching these results. Fortunately, the flow of communication between researchers and technicians is getting richer. Despite the distrust that existed in the past, today we have come to understand and that has been the most important contribution of research.

The CEIT Materials Department has always been at the forefront of research. Our research focuses on knowing the variables that enter the production process and correcting possible errors, that is, mastering the process. The knowledge and optimization of these variables depends largely on the technicians of the companies. Currently the process is computerized and thanks to it researchers and technicians are closer. This violent division between science and industry no longer occurs. The industry transmits its needs and we work theoretical ways to solve them. In other words, it is confirmed that theory involves the optimization of practice.

M.A. Linaza and J.M. Rodríguez, J.J. Together with Urkola, they are the authors of the research paper "The difficulty of steels in the fragile/harikor transition" that Elhuyar will publish soon.

E lhuyar: However, many consider that steel is already a exhausted material and that new materials will replace.

CEIT: If necessary, steel will lose its leadership years ago and will have to fight with new materials on the market. The use of materials is a dynamic field. All materials must find their place and also steels. Research will allow companies in the Basque Country to explore new ways and access new markets.

Elhuyar: In what situation are Basque companies facing the new challenge?

CEIT: More time than many others. The traditional steel industry of Gipuzkoa is in a privileged place to tackle the future bull from the branches. In Gipuzkoa the steel sector has always been working on recycling. While the raw material of blast furnaces is mineral, in Gipuzkoa scrap has been worked using the “residue” of others. Today, throughout Europe this trend is being imposed and we, thanks to the experience of years, could be at the forefront. The clearest example is in Sestao. The high oven has been closed and an electric steel mill has been installed. It is no coincidence. The blast furnaces will be installed in countries with cheap labor and, as we know, it is not the case of Euskal Herria. Our companies will have to bet on the development of technology to be competitive.

Mr. Urkola indicates that the blast furnaces will be installed in countries with cheap labor and that, as we know, is not the case of Euskal Herria. Our companies will have to bet on the development of technology to be competitive.

Elhuyar: Our readers will soon have the research you have done on the difficulty of steel. You have published in Basque. For many, this can limit their diffusion...

CEIT: The origin of the research is the courses and theses carried out in Basque and the companies operating in Basque. It is a work done for the Basque industry. We have already published some parts in English, but in its entirety you will see the light in Basque. We found it coherent to take advantage of the opportunity offered by Elhuyar. Knowing that the leading research in Basque in Euskal Herria will be used worldwide is a teaching for all.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila