Liar, sophisticated, orchid Ophrys

Orchid Ophrys

As we indicated in the April article last year, the family of orchestrators has a large number of species, about 17,000 species and 750 genera.

The genre under study on this occasion, “Ophrys” (in Greek eyebrow), has achieved very interesting evolutionary developments. The flowers of the species and varieties of this group have managed to shape different insects, developing very special mechanisms to ensure floral pollination and the reproductive process. In addition, the evolutionary system of these orchids has not been limited only to form, but for insect attraction to be safe, flowers have made their colors and smells very sophisticated.

Moreover, within this genus, taking into account Europe, the western area of Asia and North Africa, about 30 species are known, the Mediterranean area being the most abundant and productive of the species. However, the tendency to hybridize this species is very high, so the allocation of an exact amount is complicated. Experts also struggle to classify the same species, subspecies and varieties.

It is a relatively small orchid, between 10 and 30 cm. In the root has two ovoid tubers. Egg-shaped leaves appear at the bottom in the form of a rosette. The inflorescence occurs in a galerna. Although small flowers appear, they are very striking.

J. Terés

Yellow green sepals and petals, with striking labels and metallic, papillae and pubescent colors. Sometimes the edge of the label is yellow. It flowers between February and May and pollinates especially the male bees of the genus andrena. Once the bees are placed on the label, the pollinates of the flower stick to your body, ensuring the pollination cycle. It has a good smell or aroma of the flower due to its pharnesolic and zironelalic components and a component of the octyl alcohol group.

As for its habitat, although varied, it appears especially in shrubs, marojales and holm oaks and in areas of degradation (pastures) of these communities. As for its general distribution, it tends to extend to the Mediterranean areas, although in the area of the sea of Bizkaia appears the coastal sand and some dunes.

On the other hand, we want to remind you that the “harassment” that this family has suffered has been important. And as a result of the destruction of their habitat, many species can be very scarce and endangered. Therefore, in order to maintain and enrich our floristic heritage, it will be necessary to implement a study and priority criteria for the conservation of these species.

Family: Orquescriteos
Species: Ophrys fusca subsp. fusca
South: fairly common
North: October Habitat:
pastures, shrubs, marojales and oaks Medicinal
herb: no

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila