After the excesses, what?

Agirre, Jabier

Medikua eta OEEko kidea

The festivities have passed, we have left the Carnivals behind and we are already in Lent. I do not intend to make a “sermon” here, but it is undeniable that in festive atmosphere we eat and drink more than normal. And since these excesses harm the body, we will see how we can solve for a couple of months (from Christmas to San Sebastian, through the Carnivals) the beating that this excessive march has given our poor liver.

Traditions are a good thing, at least at first, and I'm not going to go out against those holidays, much less (because I also spend the same thing as anyone else), but now, when "harm" has been done, let's see what can be done to bring the body to its normal. Most of us would take a few pounds, a binge or another, and I know how our uric acid or cholesterol is. That's why we need to launch a small plan to eliminate these unnecessary toxins. How to get it? I recommend the natural treatment, applicable for a week or at most for ten days, not with the aim of losing kilos, if you intend to filter and clean the blood and eliminate toxins. To begin with, when we sit at the table we have to be calm, eat calmly and without any pressure and follow the following tips.

  1. The softest and best tolerated procedure is the ingestion of more cellulose. And where is cellulose? Some vegetables and fruits like valleys, peaches, melons, green beans, leeks and artichokes are very rich. Then we'll talk about fruits again, but if someone doesn't like to eat the whole fruit, they'll have the same advantages if you take it as compote or puree and vegetables as soups.
  2. We have the body full, the liver for example, full of work; the dry mouth, as the white tongue and the esparto, with the belly swollen. Other symptoms may appear (heaviness, winds, nausea, lethargy, etc.) by filling. To combat it, the next few days you have to consume avocados, tomatoes or carrots, chard or spinach, strawberries (if you find them in the square or at the fair, of course) because they facilitate the expulsion of bile.
    Tip: replace one of the meals, especially dinner, with a green salad (scarlet, lettuce, endives, green beans, avocado, pepper, onion, cucumber and spinach) and as a dessert, preferably, take the natural pineapple. On the other hand, it is better to eat less a few days, chewing well the food and take infusions (chamomile, mint txortalo, boldo, azeribuztana, sage). The walk after the meal will also help you to perform better digestion.
  3. To stimulate and facilitate the work of filtration of the kidneys it is advisable to take diuretics, but not chemicals (medicines, that is, they should be used with care, always following the indications of the doctor), but natural: those that are in vegetables, such as head cabbage, artichoke, onion, corn, apples or melon, are very appropriate to clean the “cainerías” of the body.
    Tip: At a weekly dinner three or four artichokes, a medium onion and a pair of cooked leeks. Add a few drops of olive oil and, together with the vegetables, take the broth. Perfect diuretic!
  4. If eczema, hives or granites have appeared on the skin, it is advisable to add physical exercise, always with the intention of increasing sweating. It is also very suitable to rub the skin with a fairly hard glove (for example, a left-handed) for a few minutes, especially during the shower, which will cause sweating. There are also fruits (oranges, lemons...) or vegetables (chard, head cabbage...) that help us cope with these problems.
  5. For a few days remove from food fats and fats: margarines, blankets, mayonnaise, resale products, fried and battered. Remember that the latter triple at least the caloric value required by food. You will also need to drink two liters a day, water or infusions. Raw garlic is an excellent blood detoxifier, but for many people there is a very hard and heavy food (causes the poteta) that can be replaced by escarole, celery, pineapple (fasting) and endivias.
  6. Nutrition experts highlight the importance of strong breakfast to then make a balanced meal: vegetables and fish or grilled meat, especially to compensate in some way the excesses of caloric and fat diets of previous days (and months).
    Tip: you can also take fats, but if you know how to separate (for example, better grilled salmon because its fat is omega-3 acidic than fried eggs or potato omelette).
  7. For the “calluses” of mid-morning or afternoon/night, it is a bad habit to eat snacks (pintxos or lunch, or I do not know what, because the custom of each one has a lot of weight in these matters). And also, those who hang on them are not usually very appropriate: azeitos, sausages, cured or fried cheeses of all kinds as an appetizer.
    Tip: replace with a stronger breakfast or take care of dinner (hot broth without fat and fruit, for example).

To ward off those excessive kilos

The parties have passed, yes, but the kilos have remained there: two or three, if they are no more, of course, the scales or those that show us the zip without guilt. These excess kilos are never beneficial, so it is advisable to lose them as soon as possible. It is not difficult if we put some will.

  • A month or under a caloric diet: salads, vegetables, grilled meat, cooked fish and natural fruit. Make hearty but light meals a day, chew the food well, get up with a little hunger and drink water or infusions outside meals.
  • Do more exercise. If you don't have time to go to the gym or you don't have any sports fans, go. A daily 30-45 minute walk, with arin-arin and comfortable shoes, is a simple way to burn between 200 and 300 calories.
  • Proposal to make some dinner: a yogurt with a couple of pieces of fruit. Then, not to be hungry, before going to bed, take a cup of infusion.
  • Consume foods rich in fiber (bread and pasta, legumes in moderation, valleys, oranges, etc. ). So you will have very clean intestines.
  • Do not take fruit in food as a dessert. Keep it for breakfast or snack.
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