Germ germ

This part, with the capacity to generate a new grain of wheat, is only 2.5% of the grain. When manufacturing the white flour, the germ is removed to the grain of wheat, since in this way the flour remains longer. Otherwise, the oxidation of the fats it contains significantly reduces the duration of the flour.

Wheat germ is on the market in whole flour or just it, and is sold in granules or in the form of oil when it is only it. The oil form is very suitable for salads and granulate to enrich purées, juices and yoghurts.

From the nutritional point of view, we must take into account the fats and proteins it contains. Fats are unsaturated and are made up of essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic). The proteins of the germ have more nutritional value than those of the flour, since lysine is more abundant in the amino acid.

Despite this, the importance of this part, wheat germ, is not limited to the two previous foods, but the key to its importance lies in its regulatory components. Inform you that three-quarters of the wheat vitamins are in danger of extinction, the most abundant being vitamin E (antioxidant) and those of group B (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6). In addition to vitamins, it contains fatty minerals such as magnesium, iron, manganese, cobalt and copper. It is also rich in phosphorus, so despite having some calcium content, its absorption is not achieved, since the relationship between both is totally inadequate.

It is also very appropriate to enrich any diet, especially when increasing body needs: pregnancy, breastfeeding, intense exercise, etc. As is known, in the first months of pregnancy the need for folic acid doubles, so the germ comes well. It is also very suitable for children's jangartxos, since in small quantities it allows to obtain a lot of food. It can also help fight certain diseases, such as anemias, which contain substances that facilitate blood production. (Council: If you want to increase the effect of these substances, add two spoons of germ to the orange juice with vitamin C.)

In short, a good complement in a society in which the consumption of refined products is almost total to meet the daily need of vitamins. Buy it in small quantities and keep it cold, always in airtight container. Finish by saying that its flavor should be sweet and not bitter.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila