For most cases, beaches are an ideal place to increase the melanin rate of skin cells, which allows to show a good tan, but from a geological and ecological point of view, these geomorphological elements of the coast are places of great attraction.
However, the enormous increase in human pressure that the coast has known in recent decades has caused great changes in our beaches and in general in the morphology of the entire coast, due to the current plight. But let us analyze all these aspects more slowly.
Since the formation of beaches is a process associated with erosive phenomena on the coast, mention of these phenomena is essential to better understand the origin of beaches.
These erosive phenomena have two phases: erosive and constructive. Eroding occurs especially in stormy times. Then, when the sea waves burst violently against the cliffs, they throw stones and bowling at the cliff rocks. As a result, the cliff falls and these detached pieces of rock undergo a more severe erosion process when colliding with each other due to the strength of the drawer.
The particles generated in this erosive process form sedimentation processes during offshore days. This is the constructive phase. The lighter particles are dragged by the sea and applied on the continental shelf, accumulating silts in these shallow areas. The sand and gravel remain on the coast forming beaches at the base of the cliffs and at the mouth of the rivers.
According to the geomorphological district in which they appear, the beaches of our coast can be divided into three large groups:
Due to its composition by sandy sediments, the morphology of the beaches is very variable due to the high influence of wind and sea. However, normally the beaches are divided into four parts or areas:
On the beaches, despite the harsh living conditions, there are numerous plant species adapted to live on the highest beaches and, to a lesser extent, facing the beach.
The species of this dune vegetation, known as psammofifila vegetation, have a great ecological value, since throughout evolution they have acquired special adaptations for survival in these harsh environments. And what are these harsh living conditions?
To address all these problems, the psammophilic plant species (dune vegetables) have acquired different and striking adaptations. Highlights:
However, these environmental factors do not have the same incidence on the entire surface of the dune, as different ecological gradients are generated from sea to land. As a result, psammófila plants are distributed in different sections, on beaches where human influence has not been very high.
Facing the beach, despite the humidity and salinity, and the amount of organic matter dragged by the sea and man, you can find annual plants such as Cakile maritima, Salsola kali, Poligonum maritimum, etc. All belong to the Honkenyo-Euphorbietum peplis association.
Further back, where the sand begins to accumulate and where the wind often changes the shape and place of the residual mountains, is a plantation of plants of little extension. The most common plant species in these areas are Elymus farctus, Euphorbia paralias, Calystegia soldanella or Eryngium maritimum, from the association Euphorbio-Agropyretum junceiformis.
Behind there are authentic dunes. Its size and height is larger and, usually, its plant extension is larger and more rooted. In this area where the influence of salinity is null, along with the gramineous Ammophila arenaria of the association Otantho-ammophyletum australis, are plant species such as Lagurus ovatus, Pancratium maritimum, Leontodon saxatalis arenaria.
Finally, as the influence of the sea decreases and the wind and soil are rooted, the diversity and extent of the plants increases and in some cases are formed soropillitos composed by Carex arenaria, Festuca rubra arenaria, Helichrysum stoechas, Koelaria glauca, etc. These species constitute the association Kolerio albescentis-Helichrysetum stoechis.
However, the situation of this type of vegetation is not good. In recent years, due to the strong aggressions suffered by these areas, 35% of native plant species are in danger of extinction in the Basque Country and the remaining 35% are declared as rare plant species in the plant catalog of Álava, Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia.
As for the fauna, we can differentiate two areas on the beaches, the first of them formed by the interior of the beaches and the intertidal, and the second by the facade and the highest beach.
In the former, populations of molluscs, polychaetes and filterers of low-density crustaceans predominate. In the second, however, there is a great wealth in excavated insects, most of them of order Coleoptera, Diptera and Hemipte. In this second case, populations of gasteropod species such as Theba pisana, Cernuella virgata, Cochliella barbara, C. acuta, etc. are also very important.
It should be noted that, especially in summer, to combat the extreme heat of the soil, all these animals rise to the dune plants. Thanks to this, at this time you can see large concentrations of gasteropods in plants.
It seems that the regularization of beaches along with a great human impact has been a fertilizer for these populations of molluscs, since the scarcity of proteins in these areas of open and living structure is a limiting factor.
As for vertebrates, although until recently were in the dunes stable populations of reptiles, amphibians and birds, due to the drastic changes that have suffered our beaches in recent years, these populations have practically disappeared. In amphibians, the runner toad (Bufo calamita) is the most typical species of these areas, while in reptiles the lizard wall (Podarcis muralis) would be its main representative.
In the case of birds, the usual visitors to the beaches are migratory species. So it is, in times of migration and especially in days of strong storm (the days when the human presence is more scarce) limicolo is usually normal (timbres, brandados, kurlintas, etc. ), the gull (Larus sp. and Rissa sp. ), chenada (Sterna sp. ), bring large groups of marine swallows and other species of birds to our beaches in search of rest and food.
In the dunes, however, despite the greater abundance of birds during the migratory season, we can find different species of birds throughout the year, such as chips (Anthus sp. ), clayey (Motacilla sp. ), tweets (Phylloscopus sp. ), cholares (Passer sp. ), clays (Oenanthe sp. ), etc.