Elhuyar bilingual dictionary on the internet

Waliño, Josu

Elhuyar Fundazioa

Elhuyar works in the development of dictionaries. In the case of the Euskara-Gaztelania//Castellano-Vasco dictionary, we also publish the CD-ROM in book format. As technology advances, the dictionary has changed its format and we have now taken it to the Internet so that any user can consult it for free from anywhere in the world.

Dictionaries are one of the most used services on the Internet. Many people have the habit of going to the Internet when they want to consult a dictionary. There are many dictionaries that offer this possibility, and there are others who pay you a word in several languages, but there was still no general bilingual dictionary euskera-castellano.

Now, however, the Euskara-Castellano / Castellano-Vasco dictionary of Elhuyar is available to anyone who wants to consult it on the Internet. Just go to the address www.elhuyar.com/hiztegia and you will receive payments, subtickets, examples, etc. From the entrance you want to search.

In the dictionary placed on the Internet can be carried out searches by concepts of entry and topic, combining these searches. In addition, it offers the possibility to use a wild, that is, it is not necessary to perform a specific search. The search engine will return the list of entries found and the user will select the entry to which you wish to access. Once you have clicked on an entry, it will show its meaning, examples, subnets and other information. This information can be printed or copied for later transfer to Word or any other application.

Elhuyar has put the on-line dictionary as a result of an agreement with the Basque Government. In this first phase the small Elhuyar dictionary has been installed. However, the idea is to put at the beginning of the year the great Elhuyar dictionary. The fact of having an on-line dictionary has many advantages for users: in addition to being able to consult and comfortably print the entries from the computer, the dictionary that will be on the Internet will always have a greater daily life than paper, due to the vitality of the Internet.

Elhuyar Bilingual Dictionaries

The Euskara-Gaztelania / Castellano-Vasco dictionary was first published in book format in May 1996. That same year we published in CD-ROM format, the electronic version allows to perform complex searches that cannot be carried out in the book quickly. Facing the student, last year we published in book format the small dictionary Elhuyar, small brother of the Elhuyar dictionary, which on this occasion is the youngest and living relative of the family: Elhuyar online dictionary.

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