The DVD Faces of the Basque Country is on the street

Lopez Viña, Rakel

Marketin saila

Elhuyar Fundazioa

Euskal Kultur Erakundea (EKE) and the Elhuyar Foundation have launched the DVD Euskal Herriko Aurpegiak. This DVD is a unique opportunity to make a beautiful trip through our town, and allows to know our history, our language, our culture, our economy, etc. in a pleasant and attractive way.
The faces of Euskal Herria are already on the street
01/11/2005 | Rakel Lopez | Marketing Department / Elhuyar Fundazioa
In the presentation of the DVD Pantxoa Etchegoin of Euskal Kultur Erakundea and Lurdes Ansa of the Elhuyar Foundation.
R. López

The DVD Caras del País Vasco offers a brief overview of Euskal Herria to its citizens and visitors. Therefore, this DVD can be a very useful tool for use in tourist offices. On the other hand, in the elaboration of the DVD have been taken into account the Basque residents abroad and their descendants who do not know the Basque Country. Finally, it can be applicable to teaching, according to the project managers.

The sections of this DVD are: History, Language, Culture, Economy, Lifestyles and Geography. It is available in Basque, French, English or Spanish and is prepared for use on computer or television. However, it can be translated into other languages, according to your needs: Catalan, German... On the other hand, this DVD is interactive and allows the viewer to choose how he wants to watch it: From the Economics section to the Culture section, through Hysterics and Living in Life.

Elhuyar publishes the book La bolsa

In addition to the DVD, the Elhuyar Foundation has published the book La Bolsa, written by economist I aki Heras. The Stock Exchange is undoubtedly one of the most well-known economic institutions, but most people only know a few expressions and topics about the nature and functioning of the stock exchange. It is also becoming more common for ordinary people, directly or indirectly, to have shares in the stock exchange, even if they do not know very well what that market is or for what it is. Therefore, the stock exchange and the functioning of the stock exchange are important knowledge for the current society. The aim of this book is to explain it with ease and clarity.

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