Two hundred young people participated in the IV. The feast of the Zernola Olympiad

Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana

Elhuyar Zientzia

The Elhuyar Foundation through the website, IV. Last October, the Zernola Olympiad was launched. A total of 63 classrooms from Euskal Herria have participated throughout the course and, finally, the winner was the DBH 1B room of the ikastola Lauro de Loiu. The second class was the classroom DBH 2 of the ikastola Jaso of Pamplona and the third DBH 2A of the ikastola Lauro de Loiu. On May 19, the closing party of the Olympiad was held at the Planetarium in Pamplona, where the awards ceremony was held.
Two hundred young people participated in the IV. The feast of the Zernola Olympiad
01/06/2006 | Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana | Elhuyar Zientzia Komunikazioa
The ikastola Lauro received two awards, the first and the third.
A. A. Galarraga Galarraga

From October to May, throughout the course, about 1,200 students from Euskal Herria have been overcoming every month the tests that Zernola offered them. They have worked on several topics: they have become scientific informers and have explained the characteristics of hurricanes, they have immersed themselves in the underwater world, they have demonstrated their technological skill, they have solved the Hubble telescope... Everything, combining science and game.

That's the goal of the Zernola Olympiad: to show the little ones that science is fun. Many may seem like a difficult goal, but young people have shown the opposite.

In all the tests it has been worked hard and has been shown to have a lot of creativity. The presentation of the results has been made through puppetry, theatre, bertsos and other resources, among others, and also, as the contest is carried out through the Internet, they have had to send them in digital format. They have not, therefore, done a hard job!

The Olympiad has just finished and on May 19 they celebrated a party at the Planetarium of Pamplona to celebrate the end of the Olympics. A party full of surprises in which more than two hundred students participated.

The prize of the first classified has been a two-day stay for the whole room, on the island of Zuaza, which has been possible thanks to the Diputación Foral de Álava. The second classified will have the possibility to make two days of stay in the hostel of Plentzia, thanks to the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. Finally, the third place will make an excursion to Sobrón (Álava), where they will perform archery, canoes, climbs and other activities by Sobron Abentura.

In any case, after each event, the winners have received several awards awarded by the Basque Government, Berria, the Aquarium of San Sebastian, the Gaztetxulo magazine, the Kutxaespacio de la Ciencia, Kukuxumusu and Karpin Abentura. And at the party all the participants had a small detail. They win well, nothing!

Galarraga de Aiestaran, Ana
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