Electronic cigar

Carton Virto, Eider

Elhuyar Zientzia

It does not have specific regulations and there is no solid evidence about the effects of its consumption on health. However, electronic cigarettes are spreading and their use is becoming more common, not only among those who want to quit smoking, but also among those who want to reduce tobacco use. They have also started to consume ex-smokers and non-smokers.

Juana Umaran, head of the Tobacco Unit at Galdakao Hospital, highlighted this in a conference held in Deusto. And so we have collected in the report "Electronic cigar: doubts between vapors" of this number. The day brought together professionals from the sector to discuss their knowledge, ignorance and concerns about electronic cigarette.

In the day it became clear that much more is unknown - what we do not know - the effects of electronic cigarette on health. What has been collected and seen so far indicates that it is not as harmful as smoking, but also that it has had health risks and do not seem insignificant. And it can affect not only the consumer but also those around him, since what releases is not just water vapor. That is, it is not a safe substitute for tobacco, although producers and sellers of e-cigarettes deliver this message. However, evidence is not robust enough to draw clear conclusions, making conclusive consumer recommendations difficult.

And there's the question. How to act on a product that can affect people's health and, in this case, public health, in appearance, without knowing with certainty the risks involved? The professionals gathered in Deusto bet on the precautionary principle, highlighting the need to regulate the consumption of electronic cigarettes. It is a prudent option that is often used when there are more questions than answers. In the interior pages you will find the reflection that led to this choice.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila