The digital soul

Digitalization. Data. [Artificial intelligence]. This technological and social wave that is splashing from the top down is causing structural changes in society. Communication, industry, social relationships, modal powers have changed radically, we've become a digital society. But is this cultural transformation based on a socially thoughtful decision? Has any thought been given to the limitations that will be imposed on it? In this issue you will find interesting reflections on digitalisation.

And an example of the changes that digitalization has brought, the challenges that communication has brought. It has brought new headaches to minority languages, for example. But language processing has great challenges for us as a whole: creating more ethical and humane communication machines with human beings is one of them. Xabier Saralegi Urizar, an Artificial Intelligence researcher, has talked extensively and for a long time about the subject.

On the other hand, the issue of plastic is addressed on the basis of the UN commitment to reduce plastic pollution in March. They estimate that even if plastic production was complete, the number of marine micropatients would reach, by 2100, 50 times higher than the current one. We've analyzed in depth the solution that can be given to plastic.

And the cover of this issue is dedicated to a topic that needs visibility. Permanent COVID to come out of the shade. The etiology and mechanisms by which long-term effects occur are not yet clear. But we've brought in what science has so far clarified.

And the pandemic has also revealed another structural problem in society: to what extent mental disorders are frequent. What we wanted to hide has exploded in our hands. A great challenge we have now as a society is to give a basic place to mental health.

Finally, we have presented the winners of this year’s CAF-ELHUYAR awards. Under the slogan “Science and imagination, the keys to the future”, here is the result.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila