When the hobby becomes a disease

Between the hobby and dependence of the game there is only a small and narrow border. As we have seen recently, this limitation is based on the malfunction of the brain of the players.

Between the hobby and dependence of the game there is only a small and narrow border. As we have seen recently, this limitation is based on the malfunction of the brain of the players. After many attempts in recent years, researchers at the Universities of Chicago and Illinois have come to this conclusion, as records of the electrical activity of the brain show this way.

In a normal playing situation, a two-player electroencephalogram was performed. One was considered “healthy” by the researchers, that is, not dependent on the game; the other player knew that he had too much love for the game. As the game progressed, the two players faced a stress situation. Despite the same situation, the electroencephalogram received very different electrical registries. In the case of the player considered ludopath, for example, they observed that brain activity was higher than normal.

According to the researchers, it is a great step to discover the first signs of this disease. The finding that the dependency of the game is based on a dysfunction can put the problem into solution.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila