They patent a device that measures the state of the organs before transplants

They patent a device that measures the state of the organs before transplants
01/04/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Ikerlan-IK4)

Ikerlan-IK4 (Microfluidic Unit of the CIC microGUNE Research C microGUNE) has patented a device. This device checks if an organ is in the best condition for a transplant. In this way, the state of the organ can be monitored from extraction to transport and transplantation to a patient.

A microelectrode measures the temperature and impedance of organ tissues at all times. This microelectrode is associated with a small electronic system that collects the data and sends it to an external system through telemetry, which allows to know the state of the organ. In addition, it does not damage the tissues, both in surgical operations and in transport. In addition, it opens a new way to control organ rejection, since the microelectrode can be implanted for a long time without injury.

Several prototypes of the device have been made and clinical tests have been carried out in animal organs at the Hospital Clínico de Barcelona.

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Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila