Fine TV screen

The Japanese house Matsushita has announced that it has achieved a diagonal TV screen of less than 36 centimeters thick and less than 10 centimeters. With these measures we can talk about a television revolution. In fact, designers have long tried to conceal the back of the deep cathodic tube.

By exceeding this depth limit, on the one hand, the device can hang on the wall like any painting and on the other, the weight of the television will come in less than half.

The thin screens so far have been liquid crystal for minicomputers, but of small size. On Matsushita TV the image is manufactured by dots on the screen itself, but each pixel is composed of the luminescence of a phosphorised screen room. This luminescence is produced by an electronic ray, as in the cathodic tube. Now the only beam does not sweep the entire screen in zigzag. There are thousands of electronic rays emitted by hundreds of microcatodes and each touches a point of the image.

The Matsushita house has made four thousand of these revolutionary televisions. Its price is 320,000 pesetas (or 16,000 pounds) at the moment, but as this type of television increases, the price certainly decreases.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila