Potato paint

Chemist Philip Taylor is performing and testing a starch paint in the laboratory. The main component of conventional paints are petroleum derivatives, mainly vinyl and acrylic. To replace these derivatives, the intrepid chemist uses starch obtained from wheat, corn or potato.

The results obtained so far have given a product similar to that of conventional paints and although they contain organic components, they do not rot on the wall. According to Taylor, starch is integrated into polymers, which prevents bacteria or fungi from feeding on it.

However, in water and in areas with high humidity the new product is not as good as conventional paints. In this situation starch breaks down and releases sugars.

The new paint is cheaper than that made with petroleum derivatives and the chemist expects to be on the market in two years. By then you will have to overcome two spoons, water resistance and the possibility of combining it with dyes, since for the moment only white paint has achieved.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila