Pinatubos and corals

The heat resulting from the explosion spread along with the ovens across the surface of the sea and corals that were hundreds of kilometers from the place where the explosion occurred have also suffered the volcanic explosion.

The explosion of the Pinatubo volcano had and will continue to affect more than expected in the coming years. The explosion occurred in 1991 and, as we have seen recently, its consequences have reached the coast of the Red Sea. A group of Israeli researchers said that the heat resulting from the explosion spread along with lava through the surface of the sea and that corals that were hundreds of kilometers from the place where the explosion occurred have also been affected.

According to these data, the heat generated by the explosion has occurred mainly in the last two years. The heat generated by the volcano completely destroyed 20% of the corals around the Gulf of Rota and the rest was in a very serious situation. In fact, the indiscriminate proliferation of aquatic foods has been produced by heat and there has been a predominance of salinity that corals cannot bear.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila