Pesticides, enemy of reproduction

The DDT insecticide, massively used against certain insects, is very harmful to human health, according to the study published by the US Environmental Agency EPA in the journal Nature.

According to the EPA report, DDT has harmful effects on both human and animal reproductive devices.

As is known, the use of pesticides called DDT against potentially polluting insects from tropical diseases in industrialized countries between the 1940s and 1960s was limited as the viability of alternative pesticides was demonstrated. However, in most developing countries DDT remains the only solution to certain insects and is used massively.

As just known, the consequences of this use can be very serious in the short term. According to the EPA report, DDT has harmful effects on human and animal reproductive devices. As confirmed in the laboratory, one of the components of DDT, called p-p-DDE, limits the production of androgenic hormone, that is, testosterone, secreted by the testicles.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila