We are born to run barefoot

We are born to run barefoot
01/03/2010 | Elhuyar
When running barefoot, the foot cushions are placed earlier on the ground than the heels. Ed. : Katharine Heathcock.

Barefoot Runners Relieve Shock Against Land

Running barefoot we relieve better than footwear the impact of the feet on the ground. This conclusion has been reached by researchers from Harvard University who have studied the careers of several runners from the United States and Kenya.

It has been explained that runners dressed in footwear collide directly against the heels at each step. It has been proven that the shock force that supports each talc can triple the weight of the body, although the shoes have shock absorbers.

Barefoot runners hit the first ground with foot pads. This allows the joints, tendons and muscles of the lower foot and leg to cushion shock and, according to researchers, the impact of the heels drops to 60% of body weight. Of course, all these advantages only have those who are used to running barefoot, that is, with feet reinforced and hardened.

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