The spectators of beds are not -on

According to a study by Canadian scientists, the spectators of beds have no less intelligence than other human beings, are no more fond of fantasies and have no major psychiatric problems. A team of researchers from the University of Otawa conducted numerous psychological tests to four groups of subjects to know their beliefs about paranormal phenomenon and bed.

One of the groups collected possible close relationships (physical or telepathic) with strangers from the bed. In the second group were those who had had less intense relationships with them, like strange lights in dark nights. The other two groups were made up of people who had not had that relationship or hope.

The findings of the tests clearly showed that those who claim to have relationships with beds have no special psychiatric problems. Compared to other groups, they had no greater degree of fantasy. However, people who have had contact with beds were more likely to believe in astrology, reincarnation and beds.

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