Nilometer or flow sensor

The nilometer is a meter invented at the time of the pharaohs to measure the floods of the Nile River. In front of the Aswan of Egypt, on the island of Elefantina, on the river, a staircase of 90 steps was lowered to the Nile and every year they saw how far the flood came.

The nilometer is a meter invented at the time of the pharaohs to measure the floods of the Nile River. In front of the Aswan of Egypt, on the island of Elefantina, on the river, a staircase of 90 steps was lowered to the Nile and every year they saw how far the flood came. The greater the flood, the more sediments enriched the banks of the rivers and therefore had better harvests.

Today, the Nilometer is an advanced technology meter. The Serosi house in France is in charge of making this capo “intelligent”. This is a gauge or electronic rule that is placed vertically in the bridge column, in the channel wall, etc. Electronically measures the level, flow and quality of rainwater or fecal water at graduated scale marked in centimeters

packaging, canals, rivers or reservoirs

But the function of the Nilometer is not just to measure. In addition, your capture system collects data and sends it to a small plant that performs some operations. From this station you make phone calls or send faxes informing of your data or the detected anomalies. If necessary, open or close valves, start pumps, etc.

The nilometer is an advanced technology meter.

The device is self-contained and maintenance-free can send millions of data for years. It also analyzes its own functioning. In addition, the Nilometer has another advantage. Despite all these advances, it has a price of regular meters.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila