As on earth, in the sea

Among other things, the new cosmodrome will allow launching satellites to an orbit higher than normal.

The US, Russia, Norway and Ukraine have come together to launch the new “cosmodromo” of the Pacific. And the new thing is that so far no tracks have been installed to launch satellites at sea or to shoot down rockets, at least we know. In particular, two aeronautical companies from the four territories have come together to reuse an old oil platform, allowing them to test new technologies.

Among other things, the new cosmodrome will allow launching satellites to a higher orbit than normal, using missile technology developed in Ukraine. In addition, its location in areas far from the earth will provide numerous advantages, including pollution problems caused by urban cosmodrome. Although the new track has not announced its start date, the US company Boeing, in charge of the exploitation of the new cosmodrome, has announced that it is expected to finish the first phase of the works before the end of the year.

Eusko Jaurlaritzako Industria, Merkataritza eta Turismo Saila